
This is the solo project of Ellis Desordre, who is involved in the background with several bands on this site, often serving as songwriter, singer, guitarist, sythesist, programmer, pianist, bassist, engineer, or jester.

In his spare time, he writes and records alone.  Some of his music has guests, but for the most part, damage is the name for when he writes everything, plays everything, and does everything himself.  The results are varied, and always a little Ellis.

His first release was the self-titled ep 'damage', a random assemblage of six experimental tracks.  These tunes are darkly textural, with multiple sythesizer layers and subtle but guttural guitar work.  To some, this work is all about the guitar; to others, dark synthesis.  It was released in 1990, and is said to have a strong 80's influence.

His later works show a wider variety of sounds and techniques.  Generally, they are not a very coherent set, from acoustic guitar melodies to industrial noise-art.  We're never sure what we will hear next.

Ellis claims to be working on a new album called 'Jade', in between his other projects.  He has not indicated when it may be released, except that it will be a while, and he has indicated that he will provide us with preview tracks as they become available.

photo: Sue Capell  treatments: Ellis

Preview Tracks for "Jade"
Only Human  3.7 MB
Shadow Gone  (instrumental version) 9.0 MB
Couldn't Stop  4.4 MB
Dvorak #9  16.8 MB

"damage", 1990
Experience  4.1 MB
Pain  8.5 MB
Fire  2.5 MB
Blind  6.2 MB
Time For a Change  2.0 MB
Hate This Picture  7.5 MB
A Beautiful Thing  5.9 MB

Odds and Ends from "damage" sessions
Shadows  6.2 MB